The book of visual comedy is an invaluable resource for entertainers of every description Comedians, magicians, clowns, speakers, variety entertainers, M.C.s performers of all kinds will find fantastic, time-tested material between these covers.
Not only does the book provide a wealth of laugh-making material, it details the essential reasons as to why and how expressive gags are funny and play so well.
You'll learn dozens of funny situations, stunts, and expressions that will have them rolling in the aisles. No special props or devices are required. For the most part, these gut-busters can be performed at the drop of a hat, on a moment's notice.
Patrick Page is an entertainer with over 50 years of experience, having worked as a magician, comedian, writer, and producer. Over the course of his career, Page has created and collected material of every description for countless performances, on television, for private performances and stages the world over.
Even if you're an aspiring entertainer, or just want to have fun at an after-dinner or social event, the Book of Visual Comedy was written for you. The material inside is of a professional caliber, yet suitable for anyone. And best of all, it's easy to learn. Dozens of charming illustrations by Max Morpurgo make every nuance easy to understand.
This book can serve as a source of inspiration for developing your own hilarious act, or as a jumping-off point for creating an amusing, thrilling moment or two of light-hearted fun.
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