Zur Produktinformation


If you always wanted to read people's minds using something that you already carry in your pocket, look no further!

Welcome To Virus.

Now, just using a mobile phone, you can guess Anything that spectator is thinking: Drawings, Numbers, Names, Places, Pin Codes...Whatever You Want!

You no longer have to worry about always carrying old props like billets or impression devices, with just your phone you can read people's minds anytime, anywhere.

You will learn multiple methods to guess; drawings, numbers, places, name, anything you want, just using a phone.

And they will never ever suspect you're using the phone to get into their minds.


Drawing Duplication

You show a spectator your image gallery and see a bunch of different drawings and as they scroll through the images you ask them to concentrate and visualize on one image, they can even keep scrolling to other drawings and then ask them to lock and return the phone to you. You know 100% of the time what drawing they're visualizing. You and the spectator secretly draw the image and when revealed, they both match! An impossible effect that they will remember for a long time.

Card Divination
Using a similar concept, they can go to your gallery and see all the 52 cards in the deck, they go through the cards and think of any one they like, and you know it. They don't need to click on the card they're thinking of, they can even keep going to other cards and you know what card they've chosen.

You will also learn different techniques to guess the number the spectator is thinking. Using this you can guess 2- or 3-digit numbers thought by the spectator. Guess pin codes, dates...Infinity Possibilities.

You also will learn a technique to guess any name the spectator is thinking. They will swear you really can read their minds.

You also can use the method of the Drawing Duplication and Card Divination to guess; Star Sign, Places, Pin Codes to unlock their phones, reveal a 3 Digit number thought by the spectator and Much, Much More!

With these methods you're not gonna only reveal the information a spectator is thinking of but multiple thoughts of different kinds at the same time. You can invite 4 different spectators to go through a different gallery and each one thinks of a different drawing, card or number, whatever, and you know which drawing, card or number that each one is thinking, a true miracle that you will perform.

About The Effect:
  • No Bluetooth or Internet Required
  • No Peeking During the Performance
  • Nothing Written Down
  • Nothing Is Saved in Cellphone History
  • No Fishing
  • No Forces
  • No Phone Restriction
    - This effect works for Any Android and iOS phone


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