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In his guise as mentalist, mind reader and psychic entertainer, Scott is always on the lookout for routines that use innocent looking, common and recognizable props, which can be adapted for use in stage and close up environments.
In the following pages you will find a number of real world routines using UNO cards. Available from most toy stores and regularly advertised on TV, if you perform any kind of mentalism, you will find them perfect as a substitute for playing cards or ESP cards.
All the routines in this ebook have been tried, tested and refined over years of performance. As well as being strong mentalism effects and routines, which can be worked both stand-up and close up, you will find them technically easy to perform, with simple plots which the audience will find easy follow.
But UNO-IT goes further than that. The symbols and colours associated with UNO cards can also be used to deliver numerology readings, colour interpretations and even linked to the tarot and Scott teaches you how. By equipping you with basic interpretations and sample readings, he shows you how to take mind reading, remote viewing and predictions using nothing more than a pack of UNO cards, and transform them into demonstrations of psychic theatre.
Introduction - How it all began
The Uno Stack - A nod to Si Stebbins
The Three Phase Standup/Close up Routine 1. The Single number warm up 2. Hands off two in the pocket 3. The Big number prediction
Master of the Matrix - Something for the table top
Bonus routine - An alternate ending for the three phase standup/close up routine
Final thoughts - This, That and the Other
Reviewed by Peter Arcane "Once again Scott shares from his working repertoire a number of BS-free effects and routines. This time it's UNO-IT. Simply put this material is Numero Uno and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED." - Peter Arcane
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