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If card magicians were to make a list of what they believed were the most powerful effects in card magic, Dai Vernon's Triumph would almost certainly be on every list. Though the plot of Triumph - cards mixed face-up and face-down magically righting themselves while at the same time revealing a selected card - was almost certainly not new at the time, Vernon's elegant method was. Triumph was first published in 1946 as part of the Stars of Magic series of manuscripts, taking the magic world by storm, and ever since, magic creators have been putting their own presentational and methodological spins on this indisputable classic card trick.

On this video, you'll meet five performers who have each taken the Triumph plot and made it their own. Daryl is first with a version of Triumph that utilizes a wonderful Tenkai method. Then, Gary Ouellet follows with a great in-the-hands rendition that doesn't require a table. Henry Evans offers a stunner where, despite the spectator shuffling the deck, the cards not only right themselves after being mixed face up and face down, but also manage to arrange themselves into perfect numerical order. Martin Nash, the "Charming Cheat" is next with some fine touches on Vernon's original handling, including some excellent instruction on the Zarrow Shuffle. Finally, Bill Malone winds things up with not one but two versions of this marvelous effect.

Triumph remains popular with card magicians because audiences simply love it. They're generally stunned by the mixed-up cards magically righting themselves, so much so that the fact that their selected card is also found becomes almost secondary. In short, it's a card trick that looks like real magic and on this video, you'll watch and learn from some of the best card magicians in the world showing you how to do perhaps the greatest card trick ever invented.

Triumph - Daryl
Sloppy Triumph - Gary Ouellet
Perfect Triumph - Henry Evans
Marlo's One Cut Triumph - Martin Nash
Three Packet Triumph - Bill Malone
Logical Faced Triumph - Bill Malone


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