After being presented at the Blackpool convention and being chosen as one of the 10 best effects at the convention, we present Toon Balloon, the new creation by Gustavo Raley.
Imagine blowing up a balloon, drawing a face on it, and having it start talking, and the best part is, at the end of your performance, you can give it away as a gift!
You can incorporate it into all your presentations, as the set includes all the necessary elements to perform this illusion. Additionally, it comes with a detailed video tutorial that explains all the necessary techniques and various routines for your shows.
With Toon Balloon, you can make the balloon sing songs, even perform "Happy Birthday" to honor someone special. If you practice ventriloquism, this effect can be an ideal complement to your routines. You also have the option to combine it with various magic effects involving the use of balloons. It's important to note that the balloons and their supports are completely normal and can be purchased at any party supply store.
Feel free to include this new and exciting effect in your shows. Imagine all the creative possibilities you can explore with it.
"One of the 10 best tricks of the Blackpool Magic convention 2024" - Craig Petty's Magic TV.
"A highlight for me at the Blackpool magic convention 2024" - Paul Romhany, Vanish Magazine.
"Memorable! Cute and suitable for family performance" - Mirko Callaci.
"There is no magic more impressive that giving life to an object, Gustavo Did it again" - Adolfo, Makers
"Gustavo is a genius! As soon as I saw Tonn Balloon I said: WOW!!! this is a big hit!!!" - George Igleasis, Twister Magic.
"Gustavo achieves what all of us magicians want, invent genius. With Toon Balloon he did it again." - Agustin Aristaran, Soy Rada.
"Toon Balloon aims to be one of the best Magic tricks of the year" - German Arciniegas, Pastomagic Magazine.
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