Third Degree Burn 3.0 | Jason Palter and Alan Wong
SFr. 74.90
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inkl. MwSt.
In 2006, the original Third Degree Burn was a best-seller, and the most versatile, no force, card blister effect ever created. The upgraded 2.0 version in 2012 was improved to enhance the trick, making it even easier to use, and also included an additional hole to perform the Jack Tillar "Blister" effect.
Now, introducing THIRD DEGREE BURN The Evolution. This ultimate variant takes the gimmick to another level. It is now sleeker, slimmer and smoother than ever before... and yet the jaw-dropping effect still remains the same: Imagine freaking out a spectator when a blister of their thought of card appears on your finger and thumb!
The THIRD DEGREE BURN The Evolution gimmick has been completely reengineered and upgraded from the previous versions. It is now totally flat, and even more stealthy!
The mind-boggling effect:
Ask someone to think of a card, and visualize it in their head-to burn it into their mind. It can be any card they wish. There is no force. To aid them with this "burning", you give them a lighter (or borrow theirs). The spectator lights the lighter, and tries to visualize their card in the dancing flame. You briefly thrust your fingers into the flame, and you pretend to wince with the pain. For the mind-blowing climax, you slowly turn your fingers around, revealing that the skin on your thumb and finger is now blistered in the shape of their freely-chosen card! You've just given'em the third degree!
Just like with the previous versions, the same INCREDIBLE key points remain the same:
No deck of cards required.
No forcing; works with any card.
Can be carried with you at all times, fits in your pocket, and is always ready to go.
No reset (again, it is ALWAYS ready to go!).
Use your own lighter, or borrow the spectator's.
Looks dangerous, but is actually harmless. You don't have to use fire if you don't want to.
Use as a perfect "out" in any card routine, to reveal a forced card whose value you've forgotten.
Comes complete and ready to go with the new and improved professional custom gimmick (made to last a lifetime), online tutorial including PDF file with detailed manuscript, full routine, and loads of bonus effects (including routines that DO NOT require the use of fire).
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