Alakazam Magic are truly proud to offer the magic fraternity the underground card magic of Paul Pickford.
The VS Project showcases some of Paul's outstanding card creations, his approach to sleight of hand, the psychology of timing and misdirection as well as his interpretation of some classic effects. Paramount on these DVD's is Paul's use and handling of a superb, and often over looked, Marlo sleight including all of his finesses, subtleties and timing, in exacting detail.
It's time to take up your pack of cards, get comfortable and watch and learn some exceptional card magic you will enjoy performing, and your audiences will enjoy seeing, over and over again.
HOFZINSER'S ACES A extremely quick and magical version of this classic in Magic. This is ideal as an opener and is guaranteed to take them by surprise. Plus an explanation of a bonus version that stays true to the original plot.
DOUBLE THOUGHT Based on Derren Brown's effect "Double Think". The magician slowly reveals the name of a chosen card by reading body language. He then proves that he knew the name of a merely thought of card, right from the very beginning.
ACE/KING TRANSPO The aces are instantly produced from a shuffled pack and placed into the box. The magician attempts to find the kings but finds the aces again instead. The cards in the box turn out to be the kings.
2 OUT OF 3 AIN'T BAD First spectator removes a card, second peeks at a card and a third merely thinks of a card. All three cards are found from a shuffled pack ending with the magician getting the thought of card, on the nail, every time.
FOURWAY The magician has four attempts to find a chosen card. All four cards are wrong then one card magically changes into the chosen card and as a kicker the other cards suddenly change into its three mates.
PSYCHIC ACE OF SPADES The ace of spades is placed into the box. A card is merely thought of. Astonishingly the two cards change places.
2 THOUGHT OF CARDS Two spectators each think of a card. The magician places a card inside the box. Without any questions he finds the first thought of card. The other thought of card turns out to be the one placed into the box.
3 CARD SANDWICH Three cards chosen and a rollercoaster sandwich routine with multiple moments of magic.
THE MAGICIAN'S ASSISTANT The name of a randomly chosen stranger is used to find a chosen card. Please do not overlook this effect, it gets great reactions despite the simple method.
INEVITABLE The spectator makes a series of choices, narrowing the deck down to one card. Amazingly, it matches the card being held in full view on the magicians outstretched palm from the very start. No wordplay, no equivoque, an extremely direct version of the classic "Open Prediction" effect.
COMPUTER PACK The pack is used as a computer, producing information that leads to a chosen card. All seems to have gone wrong until the magician turns the tables, leading to a kicker ending. This is Paul's version of the classic effect "Dunbury Delusion".
ACS TO POCKET A chosen card is lost in the pack which is then placed into the box. Only the four aces remain. Suddenly the aces go on a magical journey, leaving a surprise discovery of the chosen card.
THE TRAVELLERS This is Paul's version of the all time classic "The Travellers". It is a tour de force of many magical moments and has produced gasps from a room full of magicians on more than one occasion.
COLOUR MARK The magician shows the spectators is skills by finding all the best cards in a shuffled deck. He then amazes them even more by revealing just how he did it.
BRAINWHACKED Based on the Paul Harris effect "Wack The Pack", a merely thought of card, disappears from under the spectators hand and reappears inside the cardbox. Taking the Paul Harris classic to the next level, this effect stuns both laypeople and magicians alike.
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