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The impossible just got easy! Perform absolute miracles with your own favorite deck of cards. Bob Solari has created one of the most devious secret principles ever devised with the Vibe system!

There are four brilliant effects included on this download and I've come up with several more on my own... there's hardly a plot in card magic in which this deck cannot be applied... and the principle involved is beyond detection! PLUS - the deck can be used normally for other effects!

"NOW I know why they call Bob 'The Jersey Devil'!"
- Paul A. Lelekis, Linking Ring Magazine

The Jersey Devil, Bob Solari, is at it again. With his latest project, Vibe, Solari gives YOU a chance to offer a set of real miracles to your audience. Utilizing a very under-used technique, you will be able to perform a huge array of modern miracles, without using ANY sleight of hand!

Out of this Galaxy
A deck can be fairly shuffled and turned face up and spread on the table. The magician says he is able to memorize the entire deck in SECONDS! To prove it, he turns the cards face down and deals them into two piles. When he turns the piles face up, he has dealt all the red cards in one pile and all the black in another!

Got the Vibe
A card is freely selected and lost in the deck. The spectator can shuffle and cut the deck, proving the card is legitimately lost. The magician asks the spectator to concentrate on their card as the magician deals through the cards. When the magician feels a vibe from the spectator, he stops dealing and turns over the card he stopped on... and it's THE RIGHT CARD!

4 Of Any Kind
Imagine removing the four Kings (or any other 4 of a kind), having the spectator lose the four Kings into the deck and shuffle. The magician is able to deal through the cards and find all four Kings with NO SLEIGHT OF HAND!!!!! It can't be fairer!

Covert Vibrations
Slydini student and magician Bill Wisch joins in on the fun with this minor miracle. Using his fingertips, Bill is able to separate the red cards from the black cards. Without looking, not only is he able to separate the colors, he can separate the cards into ODDS and EVENS!

Remember, all the tricks are:
Download the video and learn this incredible secret today!


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