Zur Produktinformation


"This is cleverly constructed, elegantly routined, highly deceptive, and eminently practical, with the wonderful attention to detail for which Scott is known.
Definitely recommended. You are unlikely to be disappointed."

- Doug Dyment

"Well, Scott never stops working. Another brilliant worker idea from the man that continually creates miracles with all the basic props we have....if you can call a marker pen and a stack of business cards Props."
- Greg Arce

"Very nice handling. So deceptive and smooth. This is a fantastic full billet peek that is oh so deceptive. If you like full billet peeks that are easy to execute and look entirely natural, I think you will love The Sandwich Peek."
- Bill O'Connell

"Just watched Scott Creasey's new Sandwich Peek download. Very clever and very useable peek. Great work, will be making it up later (won't take 5 mins). Great thinking from the brilliant Mr Scott Creasey"
- Thom Chesser

"Yes this is pretty sneaky stuff, very clever, love it!"
- Renzo Baroni

Welcome to the 'Sandwich Peek' another no-frills video release.

Here's what your audience sees.

You take a stack of business cards and show them on both sides then hand one to a volunteer to draw a picture, write a word, print a number or even write a question, there are no restrictions. The stack is turned blank side up and their card dropped drawing side down on top. It is then fairly cut to the center where it remains reversed in the middle at all times.

Even under these conditions you can get a full card peek, reveal the information and yet still show their card reversed in the center whenever you wish.

Finally you run through the stack and openly remove their card from the middle, they actually see you remove it from the middle and hand it back to them. The reset is instant so perfect for table hopping which is what this peek was originally devised for.

The moves are simple, the gimmick is common place and every stage is justified. It can be worked on the table or in the hands for strolling close up work. You can use it with business cards, tarot cards and playing cards, in fact just about any sort of card you wish and a number of examples and variations are included.

In this 48 minute video you will learn the full peek and the psychology behind every move.

Download now!


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