A new wind blow on magic with my new creation: THINNEST DECK by Mickael Chatelain
"Fool your audience for sure... it's GUARANTEED. In close-up, with family or friends, THINNEST DECK is made for you!"
Show your spectators a dozen small cardboard panels. On each of them, 5 cards are printed, 5 different cards of course. So you have a complete deck in your hand that fits on only ten small panels...it's the THINNEST DECK!
Put this very special deck on the table and take out a classic 52 card deck. Show the deck front and back and ask one of your spectators to cut it in half anywhere (free choice). At the point of his cut, invite him to pick up a few cards. (let's say, eight).The eight cards are laid face up on the table, they are all different... Invite your spectator to think, yes, just THINK of one of the eight cards! No one can know what card your spectator has in mind at that moment, and that's the truth. The eight cards are lost in the deck again, you don't need them anymore.
Now take your THINNEST DECK, and place the 10 little panels side by side, forming a ribbon in front of your spectator, a ribbon of 52 mini cards... Your spectator will see the card he has in mind in this ribbon of mini cards... Ask him, without saying anything, to point toward the panel on which his card appears.
Move all the other small panels aside and keep only one! The spectator confirms that his card is there!
Ask the spectator to concentrate on his card... Strike the panel with your hand to make all the cards disappear... All but ONE! The card FREELY thought by your spectator!
How is this possible? Because the spectator, at no time names his card and yet, the only card that will remain will ALWAYS be his! Believe me, THINNEST DECK will fool your spectators every time you do it, I guarantee it!
Remember these few strong points:
No manipulation whatsoever.
No forcing, the spectator cuts the deck wherever he likes!
The THINNEST DECK takes care of everything.
Reset in one minute.
The thought card is different every time.
Sure fire!
Very strong impact because the card is simply thought of
Several possible presentations.
THINNEST DECK is delivered FULL: Cards, gimmick and explanatory video
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