A single deck of cards is sitting on the table. A spectator is asked to name a card; they are then asked to name a number from 1 to 52. The cards are removed at fingertips from the box and handed to the spectator.
One by one the cards are counted down to the spectators chosen number. When the card at the chosen number is turned over it is the spectators freely chosen card!
Every word that you just read is true. Nothing added or taken away. Nothing but the single deck of cards on the table!
Not only that, when the effect is over the deck is instantly reset and ready to go again for your next performance with a completely different card and number.
The Journey represents 6 years of Matt Johnson's life in one amazing instructional DVD. You will be taken step by step through multiple versions of arguably one of the most talked about effects in the world of magic.
You will receive custom gimmicks to create your very own Journey deck. You will also learn how to perform The Journey any time and anywhere with a borrowed and shuffled deck!
As an added bonus, you will find Matt's original release from 2011 "ACAAN" included on the DVD along with bonus handling tips and suggestions.
The entire DVD was shot on location in Blackpool, England at the world's largest magic convention where Matt fooled professional magicians with The Journey. Every performance and mind blowing reaction is shown in full and unedited.
If you have been searching for the ultimate version of ACAAN look no further. Join Matt Johnson in one of his most anticipated releases to date and get ready to take The Journey.
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