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Forcing a card - Making your spectator take the card that YOU want them to!

Being able to 'force' a playing card on a member of your audience is a very powerful skill to have, and for a lot of tricks, it may well be the ONLY skill you need!

Learn all about how to force cards on this brand new project - techniques that will make your audience think they had a completely free choice, when in fact, they actually had none at all!

On 'The Forces Project', your host Liam Montier will teach you 24 bulletproof forcing techniques, ranging from the beautifully self working to the essential moves like the 'Classic Force'.

Not only that, but you will also learn how to identify the correct forces for your routines, how to make them more deceptive, keeping your handling natural, how to practice effectively and all kinds of theory and clever thinking that will make you a true force master!

What is on the Project?

-Getting Started
Riffle Force
World's Easiest Riffle Force
Dribble Force
Psychological Stop Force

-Advice - Uniformity of Action
Cross Cut Force
Cross Cut Crimp
Cut Force
Cut Deeper Force

-Advice - Confidence
Jedi Force
Clock Force
Count Force
Double Deal Force

-Advice - Language
Prophecy Move
Touch Force
Impossible Force
10 - 20 Force

-Advice - Context
Spread Force
Swindle Force
Hindu Shuffle Force
Back Slip Force

-Advice - Contingencies
Lift Shuffle Force
Bottom Slip Force
Classic Force
Topper Move

And once you have delved into the huge array of techniques, Liam will teach you some absolutely KILLER routines to put your new found skills to use!

The Triple Prediction - Maurice Fogel
Analogue Poker - Jack Tighe
Par Optic Vision - Ted Annemann
Decipher - Simon Aronson
Blendo - Liam Montier
Clock Trick - Liam Montier

Also available in the series - The False Shuffles & Cuts Project / The Double Lift Project / The Elmsley Count Project



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