This lecture (or teach in if your prefer) is a change from the usual show a trick then explain it format Scott has used up until now, it is in fact his corporate lecture, performed, explained and laid down in print. In the introduction Scott writes:
This presentation is a reality, it was honed and perfected on various corporate sales decks within the cut throat world of the time share industry which is still thriving on the Costa Del Sol, it has also been presented at a number of other corporate events in the UK and is a commercial no nonsense talk/lecture/presentation aimed at the professional corporate market.
You will find no fancy props, no scantily clad assistants and no finger flinging, there are no pipe dreams and no pie in the sky unworkable ideas. All you will find here is a solid 30 - 45 minute performance of mentalism which I have used for the last couple of years to entertain inform and empower corporate audiences.
Better still, it fits in your pocket.
Reviewed by Colin White This is powerful stuff. Wonderfully clear explanations coupled with practical advice. It is a must read for any mentalist hoping to enter the corporate market. This is a shining example of how to routine an act.
Reviewed by Sean Kearney I recently purchased The Corporate Mentalist and like to push myself with something new every show. This book immediately clicked with me and I used many of the ideas in a recent gig just a few days after reading them for the first time. The routines not only got a strong reaction but I had a great time doing it.
I highly recommend this magnificent, practical approach to a "packs small, plays big" show.
Reviewed by Roel Beckers Dear Scott, I would like to congratulate you with your ebook "Coporate mentalist". It is without any doubt one of the most valuable ebooks I've ever bought! Your way of thinking is amazing!
Pages: 36 - 8.25" x 11.7" - PDF FORMAT
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