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In Victorian London, the chimney sweep was a man who lived half way between night and day, between light and dark. A man who breathed smoke and handled hot coals. A man who, it was believed, talked to demons and angels as he made his way upwards through the chimney from the hearth to the stars. A man who cheated Death on a daily basis. To shake hands with a sweep was to bring yourself good luck, and if a woman should kiss a sweep, then folklore dictated that she would be pregnant within the year, and the child would have the "gift" of clairvoyance. And for those souls brave enough to cross his palm with a silver sixpence, the sweep would always carry with him his pendulum and his cards and he would tell your fortune. Good or ill. The sweep would see it all.

Paul Voodini presents The Chimney Sweep's Victorian Oracle. This PDF eBook contains a full reading guide along with the lost history of the Victorian chimney sweep readers. Sweeping the chimney cost a penny. Divining the future cost sixpence.

Utilizing two items that we are sure you already own (a pack of playing cards and a pendulum), this fascinating eBook will allow you to provide stunning readings with an enchanting back-story.

Take a walk along the fog-shrouded streets of olde London Town. There, spiritualism and mesmerism vied for the attentions of the sensation-hungry public, and Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes stalked the cobble-stoned alleyways of the legendary East End. This is the world of the Chimney Sweep's Victorian Oracle. This reading system will allow you to quickly master a half-forgotten method of divination, and bestow upon yourself the title "Honorary Sweep & Diviner of Fortunes!"

This eBook also includes a guide to that other traditional method of fortune telling employed in the East End of London - the legendary tea leaves!


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