Tandem by Thomas Riboulet - Video Download | Deinparadies.ch Direkt zum Inhalt
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Thomas Riboulet's TANDEM is a virtually self-working trick.

This is a story about matching cards. Two kings are presented to the spectator and are placed to the side. Then, the cards are cut and one half is shuffled by a spectator and the other half is shuffled by the magician. (Remember that, it's really important!)

The deck is put back together and is handed back to the spectator.
The spectator is asked to think of a person and deal one card on the table for each letter of the name of that thought up person. Then, the spectator is asked to think of a number and deal that number of cards and then cut the dealt out cards wherever he wants. Next the spectator is asked to select the top card from the cut and place it face up on the table.

Now the spectator places one of the kings from the table face up on the top of the deck and the other king face up on the bottom of the deck at the exact number of the selected card.

The spectator deals the deck into two piles and continues this process until there is only one card between the kings.

THE SPECTATOR FINDS THE MATCHING CARD OF HIS SELECTION. All from the spectator's shuffled deck, and all in the hands of the spectator!

But TANDEM doesn't end there. You still have one more incredible, unbelievable climax. It's insanely cool that the spectator found the matching card from a shuffled deck, especially when they flip the remaining cards over and discover that the rest of the cards are BLANK!

That's not just mind blowing magic... it's TANDEM!

Super easy to do
Requires almost no skill
No sleight of hand required
Very powerful effect
No switch deck
Everything is fully examinable
Everything happens in the spectator's hand
Detailed instructions in ENGLISH and in FRENCH!

There is not one sleight in this trick, no sleight of hand. None.
No moves, no sleights. Yet despite being automatic in method, this effect is a staggering, explosive, layered stunner. And contrary to expectation of how powerful sleight free magic can be, this trick will decimate any audience (be they magicians, lay people, even sometimes yourself!).



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