Sucker Peep by Mark Wong and Inside Magic Productions - - Video Downlo | Direkt zum Inhalt
Zur Produktinformation


A card is selected from a thoroughly mixed deck. It is then randomly lost and the deck is mixed.

The deck is then replaced into the card box.

In spite of this, the magician names the card out loud. Offering to explain its modus operandi, the spectator's attention is drawn to a hole cut on the card case where the index corner should be, which makes it convenient for the magician to peep at the selected card provided.

Of course, if one were to know how to bring the selected card to the bottom. The magician offers to show the spectator how this can be accomplished. The spectator again selects a random card and loses it into the deck.

The magicians proceeds to do a mini-expose on how to bring the selected card to the bottom or face of the deck. The cards are then replaced into the card box. The selected card is named just like before.

The magician remarks that if the card case is remotely suspected all that's to be done is to vanish the 'hole'. The spectator smiles knowingly as he grabs the card case but is surprised to find the hole now missing!

Easy to do!

Instant Reset!

Uses any deck of cards!

No palming and no complicated techniques!

Spectator gets to see and ensure that the hole in the box is real!

Box can be examined before and after the performance!

Spectator can even take the box home as a souvenir!

Sucker Peep is co-created by David Forrest, Mark Wong & inside Magic Productions.



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