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Stone Cold Mental - Volume II

Nach fast zwei Jahren seit der Veröffentlichung von Band I ist die lang erwartete Fortsetzung endlich da!

In diesem zweiten Band findest du zehn Effekte in fünf verschiedenen Kategorien, nämlich ESP, Tarot, "Worte", "Geister" und "Glück". Dazu kommen 3 Bonusideen, darunter ein Effekt speziell für Zauberer sowie meine Präsentation für Max Mavens brillanten Effekt B'WAVE und eine brandneue Interpretation der PATEO-Kraft.

Außerdem findest du 20 QR-Codes mit Links zu Videomaterial, eine geheime Website mit allerlei Goodies und Downloads und vielem mehr!

Außerdem erhältst du vollen Zugriff auf 4 benutzerdefinierte Web-Apps, mit denen du deine eigenen binären Sortierkarten (d.h. "Magic Age") mit deinen eigenen Worten erstellen kannst.

Begleite Jeff Stone in Teil 2 dieser mentalen Reise, um deinen Mentalismus zu entbohren. Warum langweilig sein, wenn du steinkalt mental sein kannst!

Foxy Spirits
The spectator chooses one of many questions written on a piece of paper and places it into a small box. Upon summoning the spirit, the box is opened to reveal an answer to the question burned into the very paper the question was written on.

The Houdini Code
In an attempt to contact her husband from beyond the grave, Bess finally receives the code that he (Houdini) left behind. During this journey beyond the grave, we see a small manifestation of Bess Houdini's ghost.

The spectator freely selects a major arcana Tarot card. The selected card is revealed in a brilliant flash of fire. Oh, and by the way, a demon is summoned by name... a predicted name.

Existential Tarot
The mentalist stops furrowing his brow, removes his fingertips from his temple, and has a real, intimate moment with his spectator as he takes her on a journey from her past into her future. A future which he, of course has predicted.

Poker Bill
The mental master o' mystery (and money) hosts a game between two contestants (er... um... spectators) where one person divvies up a bunch of cash between the two of them. Even though the spectator made 100% of the choices, the miser perfectly predicts exactly how much money they each would end up with. And they get to keep the real money!

Bliss Abyss
Two spectators each take half of the deck and exchange cards without looking at them. Upon examining the two halves of the deck, it is found that both spectators each chose a red ace. Further it is revealed that they both chose the only red-backed cards in the blue-backed deck. Finally, it is also revealed that the two red-backed aces are indeed the only two cards with faces in the entire deck. The rest of the cards (i.e., the blue backers) are all blank faces. Everything can be examined.

The mentalist displays a small stack of notecards with a variety of words written on them. They're shuffled, yet the order they end up in was predicted in advance.

The mind-messer-wither messes with the mind of a spectator or two by reading a thought of "Wordle" word. Truly just a thought. The spectator writes nothing down and tells no one of the thought.

Extra Sensory Pyramid
While discussing all things mystical, the spectator thinks of any ESP symbol. Then attempting to harness the mystical power of the pyramid, a small marble pyramid is placed on the table, and several ESP cards are placed beneath it into a pyramid shape. The spectator feels the power and finds all five ESP cards that match her thought of shape.

Extra Sensory Permutations
The temple-toucher digs up the strength to stop touching himself and, instead, tries to connect with his audience for real. In the end, maybe some connections were made, and he not only predicted which three ESP cards the spectator would choose, but also the specific order the spectator placed them on the table.

  • 180 pages
  • 2 ESP effects
  • 2 Tarot effects
  • 2 "Spirits" effects
  • 2 "Word" effects
  • 2 "Luck" effects
  • 3 bonus items
  • 20 QR codes with video footage, a secret website and more!
  • Includes a custom app for creating your very own Binary Sorting cards
  • Includes performance video footage


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