The popular product "Sweets Bag" has been powered up!With the new lock function, it's more mysterious and easier to play!
Symptom 1. Appearing Snack
The performer shows a paper bag with a window. There are disposable chopsticks inside the paper bag, and the disposable chopsticks are moved to indicate that the paper bag is empty. The next moment after pulling out the disposable chopsticks and casting a charm, snacks appear all over the window. You can immediately hand the paper bag to the audience and have them eat the sweets. I put the rest of the snacks on a plate and re-searched the paper bag, but I couldn't find anything suspicious.
Symptom 2. Seed to popcorn
The performer shows a paper bag with a window. There are popcorn seeds inside. You cover the mouth of the paper bag with your hand, and the next moment you shake it, the seeds turn into popcorn. The popcorn is transferred to a plate and served to the audience as is. Of course, there are very few seeds mixed in the popcorn.
It's a wonder that it's easy to play. Since it has a simple design, there is no doubt that it will be active in various situations such as drinking seats, events, parties, etc!
Product Features:
Equipped with lock function It is newly equipped with a lock function that was not available in the previous game, and you can release your hand with the candy set and leave it on the table or shelf. In addition, thanks to this lock function, it is now possible to recreate the paper bag using disposable chopsticks and wondo, which improves the mystery and ease of performance.
Can be used repeatedly
The inside of the paper bag is laminated on the entire surface, making it difficult for oil stains even if snacks are put in a naked state. Therefore, if you lightly wipe the inside of the paper bag after acting, you can use it repeatedly in acting. It also comes with two replacement paper bags, so if the paper bag wears out, it can be easily replaced. * The method of exchange is introduced in detail in the explanatory video.
Gimmick Mounted Paper Bag
1 Replacement Paper Bag
2 Quick Guide
* The explanatory video can be viewed on a PC, smartphone, or tablet device from the link or QR code in the quick guide.
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