Close-up magic tricks for everyone - from cards to general close-up
This 246-page eBook is filled with various commercial close-up tricks and routines that have been tried, tested, and performed for live audiences over many years. These are practical and commercial effects that will appeal to the working magician whose focus is on captivating and entertaining his audience.
You will find a mix of old and new items, original tricks, twists on old routines and ideas to tweak those close-up effects gathering dust in your cupboard.
For the card magicians, you will find sensational routines, such as Fred Out Done and Out of This World Supercharged that are each worth ten times the price of the book. There is even a Wild Card routine that can be performed impromptu with regular cards! Imagine a Card in Wallet where the wallet is made from paper and folded into a wallet in front of the audience, only to have the signed card appear inside! In fact, there are a good dozen tricks that could easily become your new favorite card effects. In total, over 30 card tricks with some video links to see the routines being performed. The link to the Commercial Card Magic teach-in online video also contains more powerful tried-and-tested effects that will blow you away!
For the non-card magician, there are 30-plus close-up effects to excite you, plus access to 2 online teach-in videos shot in the UK, and globally in the 90's, called My Favorite Effects 1 & 2, with rare footage of acclaimed Dutch magician, Hans Trixer.
Many of these original tricks and routines would cost ten times the price of this eBook.
Includes full access to online e-learning videos from the 1990's: My Favorite Effects 1 My Favorite Effects 2
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