Zur Produktinformation


One of the simplest methods to perform the holy grail of card magic -- Any Card At Any Number (ACAAN) with a regular pack of playing cards, without any sleights.

This is what happens:

You introduce 3 cards with 3 simple questions:


Your participant provides the first reply (Q.1), you do the next (Q.2), and they do the last (Q.3).

You remove a deck of cards from the box, and demonstrate to the participant to deal down the cards to their number. The participant does the same and it is his/her named card at the named number!


- No forces
- No pre-show
- No dual reality
- No duplicate cards/multiple decks
- No sleight of hand (can also be done with jumbo cards)
- The 3 cards can be your business cards
- Deck can be given out as souvenir
- Easy to learn (you can perform this within 15 minutes)

The download comes with a video file having an in-depth explanation of certain elements.

Honest Notes:

The questions are little different from what is written above (in order to protect the secret). However, during the performance, if you recap the situation after the 3 questions get answered and refer to the questions as written above, this minimal difference will fly by.

Although there is no sleight here, you'll have to do 'something' which gets covered by the presentation. 10% of the time, you'll have a truly HANDS-OFF ACAAN. For the other 90%, that 'something' (which is perfectly logical) has to be done.

UPDATE (YEAR 2018): Some new significant additions have been added to this eBook, raising the possibility of having a CLEAN/HANDS OFF ACAAN to 35%.



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