The quickest, most certain path toward achieving a reputation as a magician is to be able to perform at a moment's notice with borrowed objects. If you are handed a coin, handkerchief, pencil or rubber band, you should be able to do at least one amazing trick with that object.
This book deals exclusively with just such tricks. It is a collection of some of the best tricks with ordinary objects. The approach throughout the book is simple. No unusual dexterity, gimmicks or special sleights are required. The only props needed are simple, everyday objects-eggs, cards, dice, rubber bands, balloons, apples, etc. Nor are long hours of practice necessary. Step-by-step instructions and over 180 helpful illustrations insure quick and effective mastery of each trick. Self-Working Table Magic contains nearly 100 tricks in the following categories
Money Magic Magic Show in a Matchbox Dice Dexterity Conjuror's Collection Psychic Tricks Elastic Illusions Hanky Panky Close-Up Illusions The Linking Pins Pen-Ultimate Magic
Some chapters have been designed to provide the reader with a complete act of close-up magic. For example, the chapter entitled Magic Show in a Matchbox, gives you about 15 minutes of excellent tricks and stunts to amaze and amuse your audience. Master the tricks in this book and you will be ready to entertain anytime, anywhere, with some of the finest of all close-up mysteries.
Karl Fulves, editor of Pallbearer magazine and one of the most renowned modern writers in the field of magic, has selected these tricks from both old and new magic stunts. Some are classic feats of time-tested wizardry, while others are new and inventive techniques. All, however, are easy-to-learn foolproof routines that will enable you to dazzle and delight your audience.
Paperbound, 122 5 3/8 by 8 1/2 pages, 185 illustrations.
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