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Secrets of Stage Hypnosis, Street Hypnotism, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Complete Mind Therapy and Marketing for Hypnotists is a massive Encyclopedia of all things Hypnotic.

Within its 513 information packed pages Dr. Jonathan Royle is joined by well over 18+ of his colleagues from around the world who also generously share their knowledge and between them they offer 100's of hints, tips, strategies, techniques and approaches that have all been tried, tested and proven to work in the real world and are literally guaranteed to enable you to become a Far more powerful, effective and truly successful Hypnotist whether that be for Comedy Stage/Street Entertainment Hypnosis or for the more Serious side of therapeutic Hypnotherapy and NLP.

Indeed whether your a complete Novice or an Experienced Professional your sure to find pure gold within the pages of this truly unique ebook.

Amongst the Gem's you will find are:

You're About To Discover:

Jonathan Royle shares Literally dozens of the Worlds Most Effective Suggestibility Tests and also Hypnotic Trance Induction Techniques including ones suitable for both the Hypnotherapist and also for the Stage/Street Hypnotist.

Devin Knights "$1000+ a Day Stage Hypnosis Show Marketing Plan" = This is worth many times the cost of the book alone to any working Stage Hypnotist.

Robert Phoenix explains his "Smoking Cessation Pre-Talk" = Use this during your Hypnotherapy sessions and you will most certainly have far greater success with your clients.

Robert Temples "Running The Numbers" = In this section you'll learn a Realistic Proven to work Simple five step system which will enable you to earn massive profits even whilst you are sleeping. This is the exact system used by many of the Worlds most Successful Hypnotists to enable them to be true Millionaires!

Reg Blackwood "Street Hypnosis Success" = New Zealands Premier Street Hypnotist shares numerous techniques, invaluable advice and powerful approaches for success in all you do.

James Szeles "Hypno-Stage" = Legendary Stage Hypnotist Szeles has generously allowed us to reproduce articles from "Hypno-Stage" which was the Internets first ever online magazine for Stage Hypnotists. Within these pages you'll discover Proven Ways to Book More Shows and Make Far More Money Than You Ever Dreamed possible, plus tons of other stuff besides! Although mainly aimed at Stage Hypnotists I consider this information to also be of use to Hypnotherapists who want to profit big from Group Sessions and Corporate Consultancy.

Jonathan Royle "Complete Mind Therapy" = Royle generously teaches every nuance and element of his own Unique One Session Treatment Approach which has consistently been shown to successfully treat most every person with most any problem, habit, fear, phobia, addiction or other issues within a single session. Once again this section of the book is worth many times the entry price alone.

Suzanne Gardner Cuthbert shares ways to rapidly and effectively reduce Stress using Hypnotherapy and NLP.

Alasdair Gordon imparts information on Holistic Practices and Hypnotherapy which is very useful and enlightening indeed.

The Hypno-Swami Brian Stracner explains his "Perpetual State Theory" which may well give you a whole new viewpoint on what Hypnosis really is and how it truly works for both Therapy and Stage Purposes.

Steve G. Jones Shares some truly powerful Scripts for Hypnotherapy.

Stuart Cassels reveals the Psychology of Graphic Design and Marketing Materials for Hypnotists.

Jonathan Royle also reveals all of the true building blocks to how and why all Hypnotic Techniques truly work, a full understanding and implementation of these insights alone is not only worth numerous times the cost of this bumper compilation, but also is guaranteed to make you a far more effective Hypnotist in whatever Arena you work or practice in with your Hypnotic Skills.

And those are just a few examples of the liquid gold sections contained within this unique publication which should be mandatory reading for all Hypnotists, established professional and novices alike.

In short its the ULTIMATE MARKETING TRAINING on how to get shows for Stage Hypnotists and also of use to Mentalists.

Pages: 525 - 8.25" x 11.7" - PDF FORMAT


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