Zur Produktinformation


Within this bumper package you will gain viewing access to a grand total of 35 different videos of hypnotist Jonathan Royle.

These include videos of him performing live on stage in theaters, clubs, and bars, together with footage of him on television and radio shows as well as some "street hypnosis" live on the streets of Manchester.

In one of the videos he is also joined by his friends and colleagues, hypnotists, Robert Temple, Nick Stone aka Nick Davies and the Great Gordini (Gordon Park) as they perform a kind of "tag team" comedy hypnosis show together.

Some of these videos are available freely on the internet if you know where to look, but the beauty is they have all been collected together in one place here to make life easy for you.

And of course several of these full length shows are not available in any manner except for investing into this package!

But be warned much of this material is of a strictly adult only nature and as such is for people over 18 years of age and for those who are not easily offended.

These videos will most certainly show you why Royle in his former stage name of Alex-le-Roy became known as "Europe's Most Outrageous and Shocking Hypnotist" in the early to mid 1990's.

Indeed there is video footage within this package of Royle performing covering the periods of 1990 up to 2014.

By studying these videos it will also help you to become a far better hypnotist.

You'll get ideas galore for all kinds of hilarious routines and you'll be crying with laughter at "The Worlds Funniest Hypnosis Show Interval Routine" which is just one of the many hilarious videos within this bumper package.

And as always Royle has also included footage from difficult shows as well as good ones. Shows where people were awkward and did not respond as he would of liked.

By observing these "difficult" shows you can learn how Royle dealt with them and how you can do the same when you confront such situations during your hypnosis career.



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