Zur Produktinformation


What is Quickie? Simply put, a freely selected card is revealed to have the only odd colored back or be a different card in the entire deck.

Each of the 4 methods taught allow for different presentations depending upon the performer's specific situations or circumstances that may arise. For example...

Presentation taught for "Method 3." The performer hands out a deck of cards to be removed from the package and shuffled. The performer then introduces his "Lucky" card -- it has a back that is a different color vs. the deck the spectator just shuffled. Without showing the face of the "Lucky" card, the performer then inserts it into the fanned-out deck in full view of the audience. The deck is then shuffled to lose the location of the "Lucky" card. The volunteer is then asked to clear their mind and while looking at the fanned-out face-up deck, "sense" which card might be the performer's lucky card and then touch it. The performer, without any funny moves, closes the deck, turns it face down and spreads through to find the odd backed card that was placed inside moments before. The odd backed card is turned over to reveal it is indeed the card the volunteer just selected!!

This video will teach you 4 completely different methods to end up with the chosen card having the only different back in the entire deck. You will also learn what might possibly be a "NEW" method to force a card. Various presentation ideas are included to help get you thinking of many more ways to use these methods for your own presentations.

Points to consider are:
  • This can be performed as a "Quickie" or embellished with an in-depth routine.
  • "Quick" and easy to setup.
  • All the methods are quick and easy to learn.
  • Spectator has a truly free choice of any card.
  • Only one deck is used.
  • Quickie can be performed strolling, at a table, parlor or even stage.
  • Deck can be handed out for examination or preferably to be used to perform other magic.
  • Also included is a method and presentation using a borrowed deck or any deck, as well as a stage version with jumbo cards!
These methods are the tools that can be used to create your own stunning presentations. And yes, all performing rights are included, even for television.

Download the video and start learning Quickie!



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