ProControl (Gary Ouellet) A Professional Approach to Card Control
"Have a card selected and control it to the top." These words are repeated in magic book after magic book. And now, welcome to a world of painless card control.
ProControl is a simple secret that will allow you to control selected cards at will. A beginner can learn ProControl in minutes and a professional will use ProControl because of its ease of use that enables you to concentrate on the other aspects of your performance. Forget about crimps, finger breaks, or other traditional methods. This method is easy and guaranteed to work 100% of the time.
Fully photo-illustrated and clearly written. This book will teach the entire ProControl system with its many uses, refinements, and applications. You will use ProControl seconds after learning the secret: it is that simple.
As a special bonus you are taught the deviously simple Gilles Couture Swivel Cut Control that will allow you to control cards to the top of the deck within a simple flourish.
First Softcover Edition. Published by Meir Yedid Magic in 2024 (three previous editions were published by the Camirand Academy of Magic in 1986, 1988, and 1992). Written by Gary Ouellet. Foreword by Meir Yedid. 56-pages, 38-photographs by Guy Camirand, 6"x9", perfect-bound.
"When Gary first showed me the ProControl Card I liked it, but I was already using breather cards or other similar types of crimps. But there was something special about this type of gimmick. I never felt more confident when cutting to it. It was the easiest key card I ever handled, and it was 100% dependable, I never had to worry about missing and never had to check if I cut to the correct location. " - Meir Yedid
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