Inspired by the work of Jackson Pollock, the POLLOCK: Euchre Deck is a nod to Pollock's ability to reimagine how artwork and personal expression could be intertwined. The splatter artwork is hand-painted by Randy Butterfield and Mike Wilson. The deck is printed by Legends Playing Card Co. and utilizes its exceptional Classic Finish. The POLLOCK: Euchre Deck includes two full Euchre decks inside one tuck box.
Popular in many parts of the world, especially the American Midwest, Euchre is a trick-taking card game most commonly played with four people - two teams of two.
The back cards for the POLLOCK: Euchre Deck are intricate composites of our splatter artwork, made to look simplified with the large color areas. One back card features mostly red and yellow color combos, and the second back card features mostly blue and green color combos.
Each set of face cards includes the full suits of nines, tens, Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces (2-8 and Jokers are not needed in most Euchre games). The Ace of Spade, like the tuck box, mimic a painting in a gallery setting. The semi-custom face cards incorporate various color combos of the splatter painting composite and create a cohesive look for the rest of the Deck.
The POLLOCK: Euchre Deck features a design that's meant to mimic the look of a painting displayed in an art gallery. The descriptor card and red dot add to the gallery vibe. For many art galleries around the world, a red dot indicates that a painting has been SOLD!
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