Pocket Time Travel by Angelo Sorrisi - Video Download
SFr. 8.50
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inkl. MwSt.
Created by the mind of a worker for the workers, Pocket Time Travel is the second great magic effect produced by Angelo Sorrisi.
Have fun and be amazed by this completely impromptu effect with coins. It's 360 degree proof for close-up situations, and 100% commercial - you'll love performing this miracle in time travel!
You ask to the spectator borrow two coins and, at the same time, you show your pockets completely empty. Now, you put the two coins in your pockets, one in the right pocket and the other in the left, and the spectators can touch and feel that the coins are really into their pockets:
- "At this precise moment we are in the PRESENT, right?! The coins ARE IN the pockets!"
Now you take the two coins from the pockets and, visibly, you put one in the right hand and the other in the left:
- "Now, the 'coins in the pockets' are already in the PAST, right?"
You close the two coins in your fists... a magic gesture and, you are ready to create a real travel back in time! You open your hands and show your audience that the two coins have completely disappeared! They reappear one in the right pocket and the other in the left.
THIS is Pocket Time Travel by Angelo Sorrisi.
Download the video and perform this gem!
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