Pincushion by Devin Knight - ebook | Direkt zum Inhalt
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This book is not for the squeamish or for those with a weak stomach. The feats described in this book have been known to cause people (both men and women) to faint while watching them!

You have seen people such as David Blaine and Criss Angel do these feats on television. You may have even seen people on America's Got Talent gross out the judges so bad, that some couldn't even watch. You may have even seen Devin Knight do these feats at festivals and fairs.

If you have wondered how these amazing feats are done, then Devin is lifting the veil of secrecy.

This is the only book of its kind. It gives complete secrets on how to do these feats FOR REAL with no pain or blood of any kind! This is geek magic at its best. There are no gimmicked pins or needles. There is no fake skin or rubber cement.

In the 30s, two masters of this craft, Del-Ardo and Ormond McGill both put out treatises on how to do these feats. These were the real secrets that have been lost and forgotten.

Devin Knight has found these lost writings and updated them so those wanting to learn these secrets once again have the opportunity.

This book will teach you:

BE A HUMAN PINCUSHION: How to rapidly drive dozens of ungimmicked straight pins into your arm with no pain or blood!

NEEDLE THROUGH BODY PARTS: Push long needles through your cheeks and neck grossing people out, again with no pain or blood.

DOWN TO THE BONE: A spectator can push a long straight pin into your arm, all the way to the pin's head. Yet, you show no pain or blood.

McGILLS's SECRET: How to bring up a volunteer from the audience (no stooge) and push a needle through his arm so he experiences no pain or blood. This is no illusion; you do it for real, much to the unbelief of the volunteer! A real show-stopper.

MAKING PEOPLE FAINT: Del-Ardo was paid $1.00 for everyone who fainted during his performance. He regularly had ten to fifteen people faint at each show (no stooges). How he did it is explained in this book.

This book teaches you the real inside secrets and gives you full details on how to do them. However, be advised that you use this information at your own risk! Neither the author nor distributor shall be held responsible for any bodily harm done to yourself or others. This book is sold for educational purposes only.



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