Do you want to discover the secrets to grow your business and create a successful mindset?
The Performer Marketing Formula is a collection of techniques and tips that will allow you to deal with your clients and sell your shows with ease!
In this booklet Luca Volpe will give you all the steps you need in order to reach your career goals.
The Performer Marketing Formula consists of a pyramid structure of six tiers of four main topics, for a total of 24 topics, which have been handcrafted" over years of experience in the field, so that you can get all the tools that will allow you to grow your business.
You will learn:
- How to create the mindset for success - How to build trust with your customers - How to master excellence - How to create a unique brand - How to create a successful vision - How to find your niche - How to write the perfect email to your clients - How to sell in person and online - How to solve your customer's problems - How to create rapport - How to close a deal - How to influence your clients to say "yes" to your offer - How to create emotional experiences and much,much more!
Plus you will get a link to a video where Luca will go through some of the topics PLUS he will teach you a mentalism routine called "The Quote Prediction" that you can perform live and online, which can be customized with any message or company slogan!
Some of these techniques are explained during his private consultation which normally cost hundreds of euros, now, they can be yours for a small investment!
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