Lewis Le Val is going to teach you how to recreate ANY classic mentalism plot with just ONE, single move!
No gaffs. No difficulty. No stone left unturned.
The OTT move was recently shown to renowned, international mentalist Alexander Marsh. After trying the move for himself, his eyes widened like a child on Christmas day. Alexander said it was the EASIEST, and most DECEPTIVE switch he had ever seen.
But it's not a switch.
It's a PSEUDO switch.
And it's the SHARPEST weapon in Lewis Le Val's arsenal. (And it's about to become yours.)
At the beginning of this comprehensive video lecture, you will learn the OTT move itself; it's SO easy and almost IMPOSSIBLE to get wrong. In fact, we are willing to bet you'll execute it successfully within the first 30 seconds of trying.
But the move itself is nothing without context.
For the remainder of the mammoth masterclass, Lewis will inspire you with SO MANY unique and brilliant applications. And afterwards, your mind will be buzzing with even more.
The headline effect you will learn is Collateral - a drawing duplication with a twist. During your attempt to duplicate your spectator's doodle, you appear to impossibly isolate additional, personal thoughts from their mind that you could not have possibly known. Most deceptive of all, these (collateral) thoughts are never even written down!
Collateral alone is worth the price of the download, but there is so much more.
You will learn how to force a folded piece of paper from a regular (examinable) clear bag full of options without set up, gaffs or duplicates.
You will learn how to secretly peek any piece of written information.
You will learn how to give your participants the power to read each other's minds with 100% accuracy and no stooging.
You will learn to hit like never before during psychic-style readings.
And finally, you will learn the most beautiful close-up Q&A routine we've ever seen.
Learn Lewis Le Val's most closely guarded secret today.
This is a billet worker's dream. This is OTT.
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