Written by Ed Solomon, with Foreword by Robert Neale- This books is for card magicians with a sense of humor OR storytelling magicians who think they would never do a card trick OR the person who is a little bit of both OR The avid, passionate card worker who really wants to get ticked off.
Ed Solomon, and his alter ego Denomolos don't do card tricks... Or so they say. Of course, one would get the idea from this book that they are bored to tears by the normal average card trick- on the other hand, that is what this book is FULL OF!
Herein you will learn over 20 card effects, most of them very easy to do but ALL of them wrapped around interesting stories, premises and ideas that take them out of the realm of "Pick A Card." Along the way you will be treated to Ed's sometimes Cantankerous, often dry and always amusing commentary on card workers he has been forced to- uh er, had the opportunity to endure, er enjoy!
When it comes right down to it though, Ed really wrote this book in good nature and fun- and offers you some terrific storytelling magical presentations for effects with cards, tarot cards and more. Most if not all will use methods you are relatively familiar with or easily learned, and because of the stories, they take on a life, power and effectiveness beyond that of the average card revelation.
If you have read Ed's Linking Ring column, or the other books of his we have released, you know his is an expert at taking a simple premise or method and making it come to life. This books is no exception.
This book is a lust over 100 pages, following the same format as Ed's recent books- Money Matters, What Lies Behind and Tales From The Heart.
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