It is a unique and clean phenomenon using a thread phone.
Fill one cup with a coin and hold the other cup upside down. When you play with a yarn phone, you have to taut the thread, and when the thread is stretched vertically, the coin appears from the cup on the opposite side. There is nothing left in the cup with the coin in it.
At first glance, you don't feel the existence of a gimmick, but the simple and rational gimmick set up in the yarn phone has completed a clean procedure that can only be thought of as really passing through the thread. It is also possible to have one of the cups (the receiving end) held by the audience, allowing the audience to experience the moment of penetration of the coin with their own hands.
This is the point!
During the performance, the magician does not touch the coin at all (it is not necessary to hold it hidden)
One (receiver) cup can be held by the audience
Even if the cup wears out, it can be replaced (replacement cup included)
Even if you look closely, you won't
You can perform it in a close-up or in the salon
Set Contents
Thread phone with gimmick
Paper cups (4 replacements)
String (2 replacements)
Address of explanatory video (QR code)
The commentary is an online video.Please prepare the coins necessary for the performance.
The gimmick is already set up, so you can use it as soon as it arrives.If you need a replacement cup, you can make it with the included replacement cup.
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