My Favorites! by Paul A. Lelekis - ebook | Direkt zum Inhalt
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7 MONSTER Card Routines from the repertoire of one the busiest pro's on the planet - decades of experience! These are Paul's favorite routines to use when he wants to really fry his audience! NO FLUFF - NO FILLER!

Each and every routine in this eBook is a HUGE winner, and all 7 effects use ordinary playing cards! Every routine is a keeper!

Paul even gives up his very favorite routine with which he regularly receives $20, $30, $40... even $50 tips! He's performed this one, thousands of times!

1) DREAM CARD II - This is Paul's favorite trick of all time! A take-off of Darwin Ortiz's effect that Paul has brought to the "miracle class" category! Your spectators will be absolutely blown away and the lady "in your dream" will have a "keep-sake" forever!

2) THOUGHT-OF TRIUMPH + - This is probably the strangest trick you'll ever see! Paul uses a combination of sleight-of-hand, ESP and hypnotic suggestion to produce an effect that may have your spectators running from the building!

3) TWISTED TRANSPOSITION - This adaptation of routines by Bro. John Hamman and J.C. Wagner is a true mind-blower! Paul has had professional magicians ask to check out his cards for gaffs... there are none used!

4) SPECTATOR CUTS THE ACES X2 - Paul combines two excellent "Cutting the Aces" effects, one of his own devise. He combines it with a Marlo routine to produce a wonderfully interactive double revelation that makes your spectator a real hero! This one will get you and your spectator a huge round of applause!

5) TWISTING THE JACKS - Paul took Vernon's "Twisting the Aces," combined with Larry Jennings' "Pineapple Twist," and then added some ideas of his own to create a beautiful 3-stage routine that will amaze your audience! You can pass the cards out!

6) REFLECTIVE - This multi-stage routine takes ideas from Martin Nash and Nick Trost's take on an Eddie Joseph effect that defies all logic! The numerous outcomes are in the miracle-class categories - and it's easy to do!


- This is the very trick that Burton S. Sperber performed to become a member of The Magic Castle! A BRILLIANT EFFECT!

Download this eBook and start blowing their minds!



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