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This is a new handbook written by Dan Alex.
He wanted to put together three effects of mentalism modern izzati and make it feasible nowadays.
You will find these three routines useful to carry in your show.

No More Force
The mentalist shows a deck of 52 playing cards, he does cut the deck several times in front of the spectator. At this point the mentalist does stop at any point of the deck of cards and keeps storing a card in mind, all the while the mentalist will not look at anything and is not always looking at the deck. He completes cutting and lays the deck away from him. The mentalist will always know which card the spectator is thinking of.

Telephone Number Prediction
The mentalist shows a telephone directory, and invites a spectator to open any page and tear it out. Then, he asks the spectator to cut it into eight pieces and underline only one number on each piece. Once he is done the spectator is asked to make a paper ball with every piece of paper. The spectator mixes them and chooses one. At this point the mentalist writes down a phone number on another piece of paper and once finished it is the exact number written on the little piece of paper the spectator has chosen randomly.

New Test Dead or Alive
The mentalist shows five pieces of paper, gives the first sheet to the spectator and asks him to write on it the name of a dead person. While the remaining four sheets are given to four other spectators that will write four names of living people. Now he invites the spectators to mix the pieces of paper, then takes the names and says that he cannot know who died between five sheets. The papers are given to a spectator, and he is asked to spread them on the table face down. While the mentalist writes a prediction on another sheet and places it face down on the table. At this point with the help of the pendulum, and having the sheets face down, the magician separates those that he thinks are living people. That done, the magician shows a glass of water and says that thanks to the life force of the water he will be able to show who is the person that died. He immerses the papers in the water and the one that comes out completely dry is the person who has died, and the living people come out completely wet. The magician then shows his prediction is correct that has remained on the table the whole time.

These are effects that could give a hint of more mystery in your mentalism show.
Buy it and bring it into your repertoire.


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