Match Box Pro by Brian Kennedy and Carl Campbell - - Video Download
SFr. 13.00
/ pro
inkl. MwSt.
A matchbox sealed with rubber bands is brought out and put onto the table. A card is selected, signed and lost back into the deck. With a snap of the magicians fingers that card jumps to the top of the deck, again the magician loses the card into the deck, but yet the signed card jumps back to the top. This happens a multiple of times until the signed card disappears from the deck. The magician picks up the matchbox that has been sitting on the table throughout the entire routine, he removes the rubber bands and pushes out the tray of the matchbox and their is one card folded up inside, it is the signed card selection.
"The card to impossible location just got better! Very natural, extremely easy and devilishly deceptive" - James Hawker
"A clever solution to a classic effect!" - Cameron Francis
"This is one to keep I'll be using this all the time! A super effect from the minds of Brian & Carl!" - Mark Cullen
"Brian and Carl's solution to a classic card effect takes it in a very interesting and strong direction." - John Carey
Easy to do
No duplicate cards or flaps
No magnets or threads
No duplicate boxes
Fully self contained
Multiple routines
plus bonus signed coin to matchbox
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