"The Millennium British Champion of Close up Magic" for the first time releases from his professional repertoire his Master Card routines to the magic fraternity.
ACE RECEPTION The Ace Reception act is a piece of theatre in itself. This is Chris's opening routine at pre dinner drinks receptions which quickly establishes the performer amongst the guests as it is a very interactive routine. The presentation begins with the deck being shuffled by the spectators, the performer the produces all four aces in a surprising way, the routine then continues with the spectators making choices as to how the routine turns out. Highly engaging visual card magc that gets you noticed!
JFK The JFK routine starts of as a mind reading feat, the thought of card is revealed, signed and used to demonstrate a poker sleight. Chris uses this routine to get his business card into the spectators hand in an amazing unforgettable way. If you are looking for more bookings then this is the routine you should use. The handling of the Kennedy box finish is worth the price of this DVD alone.
This DVD features live performances of Chris performing both routines for a real audience, so you can witness the real reactions you get from the routines. Everything is here, the performance, the presentation, with detailed instructions and psychology explained. A must for any aspiring close up worker!
"Chris Priest is a "rapid fire" worker and one of the UK's top corporate magicians, study these routines and you could be too." - Sav,The Deceptionist
"Solid Presentations with great interactive magic." - Nick Einhorn,The Magic Circle Centenery Close-Up Magician
"I have learnt so much from this DVD, Chris's attention to detail and presentation is second to none, how card magic should be performed." - David Penn,British Champion of Illusion
Running Time Approximately 119min
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