Caleb Wiles is a creative force in card magic. Known for his diabolical methods and engaging presentations, Caleb's magic is defined by efficient methods. With a minimum of sleights, these tricks achieve maximum impact.
This two-disc DVD set is jam-packed with the very best of Caleb's original material: both a "greatest hits" and a healthy helping of new and unpublished magic. Every single trick is a knockout. This is hard-hitting magic that you will use!
You'll learn Caleb's definitive, updated handling for his seminal "Reswindled" effect. The original routine is used by professionals worldwide. This new version adds a visual climax that makes it even better! Then there is the whimsical "All Signs Point to Yes," in which drawings on a playing card come to life to divine a selection. You will learn "Armchair Mindreading," a mentalism-style card effect that will stun even the most knowledgeable magicians... and much more.
Trick List:
Travelers for Jack - For the first time, Caleb explains the highlight of his close-up show. This is one that everybody will be talking about!
Reswindled 2.0 - A visual update to Caleb's acclaimed Reset routine.
iDeck - A geeky card trick with a fun, commercial presentation and a kicker ending!
Replicator - A topical presentation for Hamman's Signed Card effect with some outside interference from an odd-backed card.
Make a Wish... Again - A practical, birthday-themed card effect that is easy enough for the relative beginner but strong enough for the working pro.
Clue - An easy-to-do effect using a fascinating and rarely-seen card magic principle. Watch out for the curveball at the end!
All Signs Point to Yes - A playful premise for a visual routine that leaves the spectator with a wonderful souvenir. Joshua Jay calls this a "blockbuster practical effect."
Semi-Automatic Luck Test - Your tag team partner shuffles the deck, then defies the odds by producing the Kings... AND the Aces!
Cross-Eyed Triumph - An explosive production of a named four-of-a-kind... and that's only the beginning!
Armchair Mind Reading - This simple effect has fooled some of the best card guys in the world. It looks like real mind reading... and it's completely self-working!
Lucky Shuffle - An always-ready-to-go closer where the method is as awesome as the effect. They'll call you the Match-o Man after this one!
Elimin-ACE-ion - An over-the-top rope elimin-ACE-ion match, mixing magic and mentalism.
Here-A-Move, There-A-Move, Everywhere-A-Move-Move - A finger-flinging eye-popper using four un-gaffed Aces. Plus, Caleb teaches Elevation, a fantastic trick from Joshua Jay!
Paparazzi Pack - A self-working showpiece with run-ins from a huge cast of characters.
Little Fella Grows Up - A false dealing demonstration that does not require any false deals. Just call it the Royal Rumble Flush!
BONUS: Moves - As a bonus, Caleb teaches a host of moves, including his fantastically versatile false cut/control. Say goodbye to the double undercut forever.
"Caleb Wiles is the real deal. His methods are devious, his presentations are clever and fun, and he's got loads of natural ability." - David Williamson
"I've been a fan of the card magic of Caleb Wiles for many years. This new collection is a joy to watch! Loaded with practical miracle after miracle which won't bust your knuckles either. The variety in this 2-volume set is fantastic too, encompassing predictions, mystery cards, gambling and so much more. I have absolutely no hesitation in giving this my very highest recommendation to card magicians around the world!" - John Carey
"If you're looking for magic that is easy to do, yet extremely deceptive, this DVD should be your first port of call! I am a big Caleb Wiles fan!" - Andi Gladwin
"Caleb is one of my favorite card creators. He creates unusual, high-impact card magic that is easy to do and astounds everyone, from laymen to magicians." - Joshua Jay
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