Magic For Humans by Frank Balzerak - Video Download
SFr. 16.00
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inkl. MwSt.
Unwrapping the Secrets of Performing inThe Real World!
This Download gives you the opportunity to watch and learn the material that has kept professional close-up magician Frank Balzerak in constant demand with companies like: Bank of America, IBM, Nabisco, Ford Motor Co., Charles Schwabb, Frito Lay, Dow Chemical, Hewlett-Packard, Pacific Bell and Fox Television along with many of todays top stars and celebrities.
After each live performance, captured live in bar and restaurant situations, Frank lets you in on much more than just the handlings and sleights behind the effects. He also reveals the hard-earned insights and expertise that can only be gained from years of professional performing, showing you how to look at the fine points and polish you tricks into finished routines.
What's Wrapped Inside? This is material that you will use. All of the routines are perfect for walk-around performances, are extremely visual, do not require the use of a table, and use normal-looking props which fit comfortably in your pockets. This material is also well within the skill-level of the average magician.
Sweet Flash - A memorable, flashy production with a "sweet" giveaway
Go Befores - A real-world handling of a classic audience favorite
The Puzzle - A quick, visual and very magical ring and rope routine full of penetrations, cuts and restorations
Invisible - Hand Pocket After apparently teaching your audience how to do a trick, you leave them more amazed than ever
A Sharp Color Change - Use your trusty Sharpie for more than just having cards as it visibly changes color at your whim!
Ambitious - A refreshing look at a card classic with an ending sure to leave them talking.
Running Time Approximately 1hr 23min
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