Color Changing Sponge Balls to Square | Direkt zum Inhalt
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Get ready for a groundbreaking twist in Sponge Ball magic! MMS is proud to present The Color Changing Sponge Balls! These ingenious gimmicks will take your sponge ball routines to the next level. With this incredible utility prop, you can perform stunning visual color changes, mind-blowing transformations, and astonishing transpositions that will leave your audience speechless!

Just when you thought there was nothing more to explore with sponge balls, this must-have set will start a new chapter in how you perform the sponges!

The color changing sponge balls are perfect for those looking to add a magical flair to their everyday performances! Best of all they are self-working! Each package includes two special gimmicked sponge balls (Red/Black). With your purchase of the color changing sponge balls, you'll gain access to a complete online tutorial that will teach you how to perform this super visual effect. You'll learn the moves, subtleties, and special techniques that will elevate your performance to the next level!

"I use sponge balls in every corporate gig I do, and Murphy's Magic has produced, by far, the best sponge balls I've ever seen. The feel, colors, and rebound are incredible! There's nothing else like them on the market."
-Andy Amyx

"For over 35 years I have been entertaining adult and family audiences, both stage and close-up, with sponge balls. These new Murphy's Magic sponge balls are the best on the market, and I highly recommend them!"
- Robert Baxt
FISM Winner

"Murphy's Magic has produced the absolute best sponge balls on the market!"
- Jim Jayes


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