Here's your once in a lifetime opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Loops® and raise the bar on performing real magic and mesmerizing audiences. Whether it's two people in a diner or two hundred in a theater, you'll leave them all with a mind-bending experience they'll never forget.
For the very first time, seven legends of magic come together to share their most closely guarded routines, all of which leverage the power of Loops. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, the secrets in this exclusive 90-minute tutorial will empower you to perform real magic and jaw dropping levitations anytime, anywhere. You'll also get insider tips and learn new subtleties that'll take your Loops work to the next level...and beyond.
After more than 25 years of countless experiments and refinements, Loops Legends is finally here.
Now it's your turn to become a Loops legend.
What You'll Get:
A viewable 90-minute tutorial featuring seven of the world's top magicians
One premium pack of 8 Loops & includes Original 20-minute LOOPS tutorial (Value $10 USD)
INNERCIRCLE CARD - A patented carrying case for Loops (Value $15 USD)
Comes with a Bonus PDF of the Original Animated Miracles booklet of Loops top secrets and clear illustrations
What You'll Learn:
Floating Twisted Ring by Yigal Mesika
Jumping Lime by Mark Calabrese
Floating Straw by Anna DeGuzman
Jumping Pen by Garrett Thomas
Fork Phenomenon by Mark Calabrese
Floating Card by Jeff Kaylor
Animated Straw by Garrett Thomas
Telekinetic Pen by Yigal Mesika
Classic Floating Ring by Yigal Mesika
Jumping Straw by Anna DeGuzman
Mysterious Glasses by Yigal Mesika
Floating Card by Andrew Gerard
Jumping Bill by Jeff Kaylor
Invisible Touch/PK Touch by Colin McLeod
Additional Material Includes:
Loops management pro tips
Lighting condition dos and don'ts
Worry-free solutions if Loops break during performances
Biggest mistakes performers make and how to avoid them
What Are Loops?
Invented by the genius Finn Jon and perfected and popularized by Yigal Mesika, Loops® are used by elite magicians like David Blaine, Criss Angel, and Cyril Takayama. They remain one of the most versatile, practical, and powerful tools in the history of magic. In mere seconds, you'll be set up for the day and ready to go at a moment's notice. Imagine floating, levitating, and animating borrowed rings, bills, business cards, and other everyday items while your crowds go nuts! This miracle utility is light as air-yet strong enough to move heavy objects like silverware and sunglasses.
Best of all? It's really easy to master.
The power to bend reality and blow minds is in your hands!
You'll also get a viewable 20-minute video containing full performances and explanations for four signature tricks. Yigal Mesika himself will teach you his:
Mesika Haunted Deck
Animated Fork
Spinning Fork
Floating Bill
In total, you'll receive 18 signature tricks, expertly performed and taught by seven brilliant magicians-just under two hours of priceless Loops secrets.
What are you waiting for? Jump in and discover the infinite possibilities of Loops!
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