Kiwi Playing Cards is a delightful deck inspired the cute creatures native to New Zealand. The deck sports a blue, green and blue colorway, with both the Kiwi bird and fruit prominently featured. It was created by Mattia Santangelo and designed by Angela Munteanu from Varese in Italy.
The deck is fully custom from the card backs and the Ace of Spades, to the updated court cards and tuck box design. Regarding the tuck box design, Mattia told Kardify:
"The landscape on the tuck box is inspired by the Skipper canyon of Queenstown, New Zealand. The Kiwi birds have always wanted to fly, but like what their name means in old Greek, 'without wings,' they cannot fly. We wanted to make them fly so they started using umbrellas like a parachute."
To maintain familiarity, the face cards are somewhat standard. The court cards have been updated with colors to match the theme of the deck, and the Kiwi bird now takes the place of the familiar royals.
The Kiwi Playing Cards is printed by Cartamundi and by Mattia Santangelo in collaboration with AssoKappa il negozio, an Italian magic shop that has produced many decks.
With the 3 jokers and the "Queen of Kiwi," you could perform the classic "four card tricks" of Alex Emsley with an innovative and funny presentation that is also awesome for kids.
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