Zur Produktinformation


A revolutionary way of using an iPhone to create REAL miracles.
Be loaded for a full show, having just a phone in your pocket, or having borrowed a phone from a spectator.

What's inside:

1. Personal Space - Using this method, you will be able to read any mind. You can know contacts, numbers, drawings, any photos, anything, that a spectator CHOOSES HIMSELF.
2. Invisible Pin Code - Dial pin, digit by digit from a distance.
3. Brain Wi-Fi - You'll be able to know any drawing, that a spectator will draw and immediately delete it, using THEIR phone! Your back will be turned to them! Very simple, but powerful method, that deceived many magic minds.
4. Virtual Reality - It's a huge concept, that you can adapt, develop and recreate to your own demands. You turn on a camera, catch anything on it and objects or drawings start to visibly come alive, transform, or disappear. Cards can color change, photos can speak to reveal predictions, just like Harry Potter style, but revealing thought of cards or words. Very visual and strong.
5. Backcount - You set a timer on your phone and ask a spectator to count backwards, starting from ANY digit, that he can freely name at the moment of him holding your phone. As soon as he says ZERO, at that same moment the alarm clock goes off. Very cool synchronicity test.
6. Charge - You can visually transfer energy from any phone to your phone.
7. Call - A spectator selects any contact from YOUR phone, and this contact immediately gives you a call.
8. And the BRILLIANCE of the Download is CALL2 - A spectator selects a contact from THEIR phone, concentrates on this person and this person is GIVING THEM a CALL! Their name is seen on spectator's phone. And this can be any person even some you have never heard exist.



Can I use Android?
You can use Android for everything, but CALL, which is less strong than CALL2, which you can perform!

Is there a special iPhone app?
Yes and no. Some tricks use programs, which have interesting functional features. For bonus ideas, you will need to buy an app from the App store.

Which effects can I perform, using a spectator's phone?
Personal Space, CALL2, and Brain Wi-Fi.

iPhonomagic is not just tricks, it is also a perfect self-promotional tool!


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