A powerhouse collection of Jay's all-time favorite magic routines completely performed and explained COMPLETELY WITHOUT WORDS!
It doesn't matter whether you speak French, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, English or any other language! If you want to learn the secrets behind some of the world's most VISUAL and ORIGINAL sleight-of- hand magic, this DVD IS FOR YOU!
Featuring 14 SUPER-VISUAL effects with playing cards, ping pong balls, envelopes, coins, finger rings, drinking straws, business cards and dollar bills including:
1. T-BONE A suprisingly easy torn and restored card effect with no extra pieces!
2. CIRCUMFERENCE A piece of paper transforms into a ping pong ball! The perfect "magic moment" for both adults and children! 3. HOTLINK Two hearts drawn on the back of a signed card visually LINK and the card is handed out as souvenir!
4. SLOW MOTION COINS ACROSS One of Jay's most clever handlings for this classic effect!
5. THREE TIMES LUCKY Featuring Jay's famous "Wichita Slip," this three card prediction routine is a demonstation of hardcore mentalism!
6. BURDEN OF PROOF A twist-tie links onto a finger ring in a most mysterious fashion! The perfect opener!
7. THE MERLIN SEQUENCE Jay's favorite vanish and reproduction of a borrowed coin! Floor people with this ingenious handling, anytime, anywhere!
8. MAGI A "card sandwich routine" with a difference! The surprising climax always gets gasps!
9. MR.CLEAN COINS ACROSS One of Jay's most popular coin effects. A real knucklebuster that looks like real magic!
10. HEAT THERAPY An extremely VISUAL "healing" of a torn and signed card!
11. CUT AND RESTRAWED A drinking straw is slowly cut in half and then immediately restored and handed out for examination! Great for restaurants and bars!
12. CARDIVORES Jay's inspired handling of Roy Walton's classic "Cannibal Cards" routine! Jay has fooled many experienced magicians with this one!
13. POWER LUNCH The magician's and the spectator's initials jump onto the same business card! The kind of very powerful (and very easy!) effect that you will immediately add to your repertoire!
14. TRAVELING EXPENSES Four holes are punched in the four corners of a borrowed dollar bill. Then all four holes impossibly travel to one corner!
Necktie Second Deal
Twirl Change
Pop-Up Move
Wrist Coin Steal
Shirt Pocket Drop
Wichita Slip
Back Thumb Palm
L'Homme Masque
Bottom Reverse
Tenkai Pinch
Pointing Transfer
Clink Pass
Erdnase/Houdini Change
Vernon Substitute Transfer
Kozlowski Bill Switch
Running Time Approximately 60min
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