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Instructions for Miracles enthält 10 wunderschön konstruierte Spielstücke für fortgeschrittene Kartenleger direkt aus dem Repertoire von Friedrich Roitzsch. Die Handlungen kommen dir vielleicht bekannt vor, aber jedes Stück wurde mit einigen neuen Ideen aktualisiert. Das Buch ist fest gebunden und hat einen extravaganten, relieflackierten Einband, der von Jörg Willich gestaltet wurde. Es enthält 98 Seiten, 87 kristallklare Illustrationen des Autors und ein Vorwort von Pit Hartling. Es ist auf Englisch geschrieben.

Friedrich Roitzsch verblüfft sein Publikum seit über 20 Jahren, und das nicht nur durch die unorthodoxe Schreibweise seines Namens... Als Profi, der sich auf Nah- und Kartenzauberei spezialisiert hat, weiß er genau, was einen Effekt kommerziell macht. Gleichzeitig ist er immer noch enthusiastisch genug, um die zusätzliche Zeit und Mühe zu investieren, damit seine Tricks aus der Masse herausstechen. Mit seinem beeindruckenden Können, seiner intelligenten Präsentation und seinem ansteckenden Lächeln ist er ein viel gebuchter Künstler für geschäftliche Veranstaltungen und private Partys.


Foreword by Pit Hartling



After demonstrating an impressive hand muck the magician outs an innocent spectator as professional card cheat and coaxes him into performing an even more incredible card switch!

Luminous Readers
When seen through the lenses of a special pair of glasses the backs of the four aces appear in a different color. Or that's at least what one spectator thinks is happening...

Robin Hood
The magician throws a card up to twelve feet high into the air, catches it in the deck and shows that it actually split a chosen card! And yes, the card is actually signed...

Fastest Card Trick in the World
The magician performs a lightning fast transposition of the four signed Aces and Kings. Then he repeats it but with the Kings going into four different pockets!

Power Matcha
The spectator succeeds several times in finding the mate to a chosen card while all the other cards are shown to be hopelessly mixed. Then suddenly the whole deck is arranged in pairs!

Nine Card Monte Revisited
A very clean version of José Carroll's famous plot using trick cards. Nevertheless in the end all cards can be examined!

Far Out
The magician divines three freely chosen cards without ever coming near the deck at all!

Out of this Card Box
A version of Paul Curry's ingenious OOTW. Thanks to an "out-of-the-box" concept it starts with a thoroughly shuffled deck!

Magic Squared
Four chosen cards from a special number deck add up to a freely selected number. This is repeated until a full magic square is on the table

Instructions for a Miracle
Probably the most practical and direct version of José Carroll's fantastic plot where a signed card appears bound into a small booklet!

Disclaimer: Instructions for a Miracle is based on Juan Manuel Marcos' El Milagro, which is a marketed trick. It is presupposed that you're already familiar with it to fully understand this version of it.


"I've seen Friedrich perfect these routines over years. They are strong and clean, and effects the audience will talk about."
- Denis Behr

"One of Friedrich's talents is to identify strong, solid effects and then to put in the important work to streamline, combine, enhance and create the best version and handling. All ten effects in this book are amazing, elegant and beautiful pieces of magic."
- Pit Hartling

"I have witnessed Friedrich several times performing effects from this book in front of real audiences and the perfection of his effects was always breathtaking. Even the smallest details were honed over the years and the result you'll find in this book full of miracles."
- Wolfgang Moser

"I've had the pleasure of knowing Friedrich for over 30 years, witnessing some of these ideas, moves and routines take shape and others fooling the heck out of me. He's one of the best sleight of hand artists I know. So do yourself a favour and follow Friedrich's instructions, you will be rewarded with miracles!"
- Thomas Fraps



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