"Illusionary Departures 2012" is a treasury of original illusion designs and presentation plots from J C Sum, one of Asia's most successful illusionists & illusion designers.
This is the latest edition of the book that was first released in 2004. Over the last 8 years, the book has been revised, updated, expanded and is now J C's BIGGEST illusion book to date! It contains 35 illusions & stage routines with carefully thought out designs, methodologies and presentation plots that take into consideration motivation, logic and credibility in the performance of illusion.
Illusions detailed inside the book cover multiple genres including penetrations, appearances, vanishes, transpositions and escapes. Also shared are a variety of original stage routines such as a logical time travel act, motivated torn & restored effect and a silent theatrical piece with plot and progressive structure.
In one of the most valuable chapters in the book, J C shares his original approach to designing and building a modern illusion base. His base is highly deceptive and sturdy but is very lightweight compared to traditionally built bases. J C and his onstage partner, 'Magic Babe' Ning, utilize this cutting edge base design in several of their illusions featured in their live shows and on TV across the world.
All the illusions were created for the working performer (from new workers to seasoned professionals) and have been prototyped, built and audience-tested in professional shows staged over the years since 1998.
All props are designed to pack down effectively for transport and most of the illusions can be performed surrounded or with audiences on three sides. Many of the illusions can be built inexpensively and are suitable even for beginners looking to get started in the field of grand illusions.
"Illusionary Departures 2012" features 145 pages of detailed illusion construction plans as well as full illusion presentations, including:
A Walk Through The Winery An original penetration illusion
Visual Displacement The passing of a person through four vertical solid steel bars
The Time Machine A 'cerebral' stage routine performed to a time-travel plot
Reinvent the Sub-Trunk Eight different variations & presentation ideas for the 'Substitution Trunk'
Creation Of Life A paradigm of powerful illusion presentation
Ultimate Victory Cartons An inexpensive appearance illusion for stage
Black Art Case Table A practical transport solution for a B.A. utility
Fourth Dimensional Exit The magical vanishing of a company of dancers/ performers using a new illusion utility
Deceptive Base Work Original thoughts, philosophy, design and fabrication process for a modern base
Crystal Striptease The magical vanish & reappearance of a girl while being stripped of her clothes
New-Age Spirit Cabinet The manifestation of inanimate objects with a kicker ending
Sweepstakes When motivation and combination collide
Back Door Appearance The magical appearance of a person(s) in a special event setting
Graffiti Girl An audience participation illusion with a girl from graffiti appearance
Motion Delayed Vanish/ Appearance An original application of an illusion utility
Modern Flight Case Table An ATA case-table for working performers
Branded A corporate logo magically appears in a flash of fire
Chain Reaction An instant escape with a costume change kicker
Hiding In Plain Sight A sucker comedy teleportation
Ghost Cabinet Multiple presentations for a versatile prop for a multi-cast illusion production number
12-Girl Cabinet A simplified and modern Jarrett 21-Person Cabinet
BONUS: Purchasing this book will entitle you access to J C's secret 'Backstage' section that contains FREE illusion ideas and four illusion methods for car appearances! Many have said that these ideas alone are worth the price of the book!
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