iBook Test by Brian Kennedy - Video Download | Deinparadies.ch Direkt zum Inhalt
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Welcome to the iBook Test. This is a modern take on the classic book test. Imagine going up to your spectator and taking out your smart phone. You go into iBooks for example. The spectator can choose any book they want. You swipe a couple of pages to show it's a real book and then turn the phone screen towards the floor telling them you want them to swipe to a random page number. They can swipe forwards or backwards as much as they want and can stop anytime. You then bring the phone back up and ask them to remember the first word on that page and the page number. And before all of that has happened, you already know what the page number is, and what the word is they're merely THINKING of. This is the iBook Test.

Bonus ideas include predicting a thought of name or number from your contact list, a thought of song or artist from your playlist and you can even do drawing duplications.

"Brian just shared his new book test with me. I am rather disappointed in myself I did not think of this myself, super simple, simply fooling and a damn fine trick to have at your disposal."
- Alan Rorrision

"Brian Kennedy has taken an old classic and brought it kicking and screaming into the 21st century, it's more practical than ever and more importantly it's now pocket size! Bravo sir, bravo!"
- Ben Allen

Things to remember:
  • Easy to do
  • No forces
  • Everything is a free choice
  • No apps
  • Fully impromptu
  • 100% accurate every time
  • No guess work or equivocate
  • No memory work or props
  • Different page number and word every time
  • Works with, iPhone 5s, 6, 6s, 6 plus Samsung Galaxy s5, s6, s7
  • Will also work with any iPhone and Samsung made in the future and majority of smart phones providing they have a certain function



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