Hypno-Mental Self-Working Card Tricks! by Paul Voodini - ebook
SFr. 16.00
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From the disturbed mind of Paul Voodini comes this PDF eBook - Hypno-Mental Self-Working Card Tricks! Simple and classic self-working card tricks are taken and thoroughly shaken up in a way and manner of which only Paul Voodini could conceive.
While on a trip to Bermuda, mind-reader Paul Voodini is forced to while away the hours by entertaining his fellow travelers with his favorite self-working card tricks. However, as you can imagine, the card tricks soon become demonstrations of the untapped power of the mind. Spectators are placed into light trances that allow them to tap into the intuitive parts of their brain. Selected cards are used to divine the future and tell fortunes, and the power of positive thinking is demonstrated beyond doubt!
This is simple magic transformed into strong magic, self-working card tricks that will simply blow your spectators away! All routines outlined are ideal for both close-up and parlor work.
Routines include:
A Demonstration of Hypnotic Mind Reading - A spectator is placed into trance, allowing the performer to access the intuitive part of her mind and thereby divine a freely chosen card.
Psychic Aces - A spectator is placed into a light trance and manages to perform a wonderful psychic feat using playing cards!
Do as I Don't - A reworking of the classic self-worker using a positive visualization technique and a card "reading" for the spectator. Also includes a FULL READING SYSTEM FOR PLAYING CARDS!
You Read My Mind - The performer reads the spectator's mind, but then by demonstrating the power of positive thinking, the spectator reads the performer's mind!
And remember - this PDF eBook also includes a full reading system for playing cards!
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