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SFr. 34.50
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The Hofzinser Anthology is a collection of Four visual, astonishing, and practical real world Hofzinser routines. Two routines can be instantly added into your line up, and two are made for the heavy sleight-of-hand enthusiasts.
Hasselhof is a visual routine where the aces find the selection. Four aces are displayed and a card is selected. The ace matching the suit of their card visually turns face up. The remaining aces turn into the mates of the selection, and the routine climaxes as the final ace visually changes into their selection.
The Awkward Step Child is a streamlined handling of the Hofzinser plot. Four aces are produced. A card is very freely selected and lost in the center. With a snap of the fingers the ace corresponding to the suit of the card magically inverts itself. The face down ace is then shown to change into their selected card in the cleanest way possible.
Hofsenor was inspired by John Guastaferro's routine, Palm Reader Plus, from One Degree. A practical, streamlined routine that doesn't require difficult sleight of hand. The four aces are displayed. The spectator says stop as you riffle down the side of the deck, takes a look at the card and it is lost in the center. The aces are taken, and the ace matching the suit of their card visually turns face up. The ace is shaken and it visually changes into their selected card. As a kicker, the other aces are then shown to be the mates of the selection.
Cygnus is the one made for magicians, it offers the most changes and surprises. The inspiration came from The Awkward Step Child and trying to enhance it. The routine is the same beginning as the others, but this time, when the suit turns over, it just so happens that every single ace has turned into a card from that suit. Except for their card. Which is then later found in the middle of the deck and is sandwiched by the aces. It is a very visually appealing routine, with the production of 11 cards of one suit as a huge kicker.
Multiple Camera Angles 4 Routines for the price of one Bonus Ace Production
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