Zur Produktinformation


"Simply super strong magic"
- Juan Tamariz

"Dani is everything I love about magic."
- David Blaine

Dani DaOrtiz is one of the most recognized and sought-after magicians worldwide, performing regularly at the Magic Castle and a frequent lecturer and performer at many of the largest international magic conventions. A master of the quintessential Spanish Style of magic, he's traveled the world and worked with some of the most renowned magicians, such as David Blaine. Known for Utopia, Reloaded, Here and Now, Fat Brothers, and his classic Triple Intuition; Dani's unique methods and techniques continue to deceive everyone who witnesses them.

Now, Dani DaOrtiz shares his collection of "weapons" for the first time ever. Not only will you learn some fantastic tricks, but more importantly, he'll teach all the subtleties and techniques that makes his magic so impossible. Each idea in his "weapons" collection has countless applications and will provide never ending ammo for your magic repertoire.

Happenstance allows a spectator to choose any card and lose it back into the deck, and only they will have the ability to find it. Another spectator could cut the deck, but will of course fail to find the chosen card. The magician could also try their hand, but they too would fail. In the end it is only the selector who holds the ability to find their selection. Is this fate, or merely just happenstance?
  • It's self-working, no sleight of hand required.
  • You can use it as a force or a control, even as a peek!
  • There are many, many applications.
  • You can even use a borrowed deck! It's your life.
You'll get almost an hour of Dani's silly humor and unconventional style. After you learn the basic effect, he dives into some amazing handlings and different uses that really escalate the principle to the max. He'll also show you how to incorporate the method and his techniques into your own routines.

"Dani DaOrtiz performs real miracles"
- David Williamson

"Dani is the future of card magic."
- Bill Kalush



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