Gems of Mental Magic by Arthur Buckley and The Conjuring Arts Research Center - ebook
SFr. 11.00
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inkl. MwSt.
A great mindreading piece will elevate most acts, choose one of these gems to add to your act!
When the magician apparently can read a secret locked in the mind of a spectator, it becomes an astounding and impressive mystery. Such an effect has an especial appeal because a spectator, or one of his friends, takes a major part in the performance. Not only is such and effect impressive, but it will be talked about for days and weeks. Not every magician has the natural aptitude to allow him to do an entire act made up solely of mental mental magic. However, adding a good mindreading, or prediction, effect will enhance most conjuring shows. In this book there are many extraordinarily fine and novel mental effects to be used singly or combined into an act. The authors have avoided the boring and involved tests, and have denounced appeals to the credulous, for it is their belief that the entire purpose of any type of magic is to entertain. All their mental mysteries have the quality of being good entertainment.
Many performers of magic are feeling a need for some mental miracles to add variety to their programs. We hope you will find that one of more of these routines deserves a place in your act.
Pages: 144 - 6" x 9.75" - Black and white illustrations - PDF FORMAT
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